
2016 Teachers' seminar and appreciation dinner

by SDCKC posted Nov 01, 2016


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
Extra Form
날짜정보 2016-11-12

교사 세미나 강사는 현재 게이트웨이 신학대학교 교수님으로 수고하시는 Dr. Kelly 교수님이 오시며 시간은 11월 12일 2시부터 6시까지 세미나 그리고 그후에는 저녁식사가 있습니다.

교사세미나 일정


2:00     Session 1: The Call to Teach (50 min.) 

1.       Discussion: What makes a great teacher?

2.       Teaching is more than Telling

3.       Responsibility to Teach (1 Timothy 4:11-15; James 3:1-2)

4.       Qualities of a Great Teacher (Called to Teach, Yount) 

5.       Spiritual Preparation to Teach

3:00     Session 2: We Teach the Word of God (50 min.) 

1.       What is the Bible? (2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:9, 11)

2.       Observing Scripture 

3.       Interpreting Scripture

4.       Teaching the Core Truth

4:00     Session 3: Teaching for Transformation (50 min.) 

1.       Teaching is a Relational Endeavor

2.       Multi-Modal Teaching

3.       Basic Tools for Teaching

4.       Creative Tools for Teaching

5.       Teaching for Application

5:00     Session 4: Keys to Teaching Young People (50 min.) 

1.       Heart Connections with Spiritually Rich Adults

2.       Ability to Articulate Their Faith

3.       Clear View of Jesus

4.       Learning in Developmentally Appropriate Ways

5.       Developing a Missional Life


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