차세대   >   Youth




CYG_One Another 중등부는 말씀, 기도, 찬양, 섬김, 친교를 중심으로 하나님을 매일 삶에서 인격적으로 만나고 주안에서 같이 의지하고 이끌어주는 다음 영적리더들을 훈련하는 부서입니다.

중등부: 6-8학년 / 고등부: 9-12학년

다음세대_시간.png 예배 시간

주일 9:30 am (성경공부)
11:30 am (예배) 금요일 8:00 pm

다음세대_장소.png 예배 장소


다음세대_대상.png 중등부 담당 사역자

최주은 전도사 (p.june@sdckc.org )


Service Sunday: 9:30 am (Sunday devotionals), 11:30 am (main service) / Friday: 8:00 pm
Location Junior high room
Contact Pastor June Choe(p.june@sdckc.org )

Welcome to the CYG One_Another Youth Group (CYG) ministry. Our group consists of 6th to 12th grade (Junior High: 6th-8th, High school: 9th-12th), and our main focuses are for all students to have 1) a deep and faithful relationship with Jesus Christ and 2) a strong foundation in God’s Word before they leave for college. That is why we encourage our students to spend time reading the Bible through weekly devotions. We also promote our students not to be mere spectators but active participants in worship and to love one another through serving each other, the church, and the community.


