안녕하세요 갈보리 교회 Love Ministry에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 사랑부는 발달장애인들에게 복음을 전하며, 장애인들은 물론 더 나아가 그들의 가정을 위해 기도하고 섬기기 위해 세워진 부서입니다. 장애가 있는 자녀로 인해 복음을 접할 기회가 없었고, 주님을 영접하였으나 신앙생활 하는데 어려움을 겪고 있는 샌디에고 지역내 가정들을 위해 열린 마음으로 기도하며 구원의 자리에 함께 동참하고자 합니다.
주일 오전 11:30
담당 사역자
서보경 목사 (wchurch1000@sdckc.org)
Love Ministry
Service | Sunday 11:30 am (main service) |
Location | Love Ministry room |
Contact | Pastor BK Seo (wchurch1000@sdckc.org) |
Hello and welcome to the Love Ministry of Calvary Korean Church! Love Ministry was founded to serve people with special needs and their families; our goal is to preach the gospel and to evangelize to them through our ministry. Unfortunately, it is true that there are families who have a hard time attending service on Sunday because of those special needs. Moreover, there are some families who feel isolated from other people and have never been reached out by the church. It is our vision that we continuously serve and pray for the family, so that they can learn about the gospel and eventually be saved in the name of Jesus.